The world *is* parallel - we are parallel.

The world *is* parallel - we are parallel.

2007/03/27 1:00am


TenQuestionsWithJoeArmstrong - 並列プログラマに 10 の質問 - Joe Armstrong さんの場合の日本語訳から知ったのですが …


Michael: One of the most pressing issues presently appears to be that parallel programming is still harder and less productive than its sequential counterpart. Is there any way to change this in your opinion?

Joe: It’s not harder - it’s hard because the dominant model is locks, threads, shared memory - now that is hard. Pure message passing systems are easy to program and reason about.

The world is parallel - we are parallel.


世界は並列なんだ. … 僕達は並列なんだよ.
